Investing for a strong future

Collaborating with universities to engage with PhD students interested in weeds, pests and diseases and building specialist knowledge for the sectors future.

Interactions between beet cyst nematode, sugar beet and brassica trap crops

Alastair Wright – University of Nottingham.

The beet cyst nematode can be a seriously damaging pest of sugar beet and brassica crops. Up to 75% yield loss can occur to beet fields in cases of extreme infestation.

On average, 6% of the beet growing area is infested. This project aims to help growers with infested fields understand and manage the BCN threat. Currently long rotations allow for natural decline in BCN populations, but these are not always economical or practical. Recently the tolerant varieties have become available on the market and have increased yields on infested land. However, these do not reduce populations in the soil and are not a control method.


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BBRO is a not for profit making company.
We are set up jointly by British Sugar plc and the National Farmers' Union.

British Sugar
National Farmers' Union