Welcome to the BBRO

We aim to provide sugar beet growers and wider industry with the resources required to grow a healthy and profitable sugar beet crop in the UK.

Current Crop News

Keep up to date with BBRO activities and your opportunities to find out more with our news, events, developments and other information.

Advisory Bulletin

BBRO Advisory Bulletin No 23

Virus forecast received, low incidence of virus and late arrival of aphids predicted.


December: Farming - one of life's universities


Cercospora Risk Forecast 2024

Cercospora risk forecast for 2024 has now finished.

A report on 2024 findings will be released later this year.

2026 Sugar Beet RL released

The 2026 Sugar Beet Recommended List has been released.

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BBRO is a not for profit making company.
We are set up jointly by British Sugar plc and the National Farmers' Union.

British Sugar
National Farmers' Union