Contact Us

Please contact the BBRO Office on 01603 672169 or use the contact details for individuals as listed below.
BBRO Office: 01603 672 169

BBRO@bbro_beet on Twitter For Updates
British Beet Research Organisation, Centrum, Norwich Research Park, Colney Lane, Norwich, NR4 7UG

About us

The BBRO is a non-profit making company set-up jointly by British Sugar plc (BS) and the National Farmers' Union (NFU). It has a team of scientists and field trials operators that work hard to conduct robust research projects and deliver technical information through a wide range of knowledge exchange activities e.g. technical publication, summer open days, winter conferences, demonstration farm events and a range of social media activities.  

The BBRO Executive Board provides guidance on the strategic direction of the organisation and its members are responsible for setting the levy.  Working alongside this, the Stakeholder Committee provides guidance on future industry priorities and oversees BBRO’s funded programme of research and knowledge exchange activities. 

To ensure BBRO’s research programme remains aligned with the industry needs we welcome feedback or comments on any of our current activities or suggestions for new work that will help to deliver our strategic objectives.  You can contact us via email at


Car Parking Instructions:

Where possible inform BBRO of your visit prior to arrival so a car parking space can be allocated in advance.
Visitors parking for less than two hours may park in the short stay carpark in front of the main entrance. Visitors wishing to stay longer than two hours, must park in the pre-pay, pay and display area (unless previously agreed).

Vehicle registration numbers are to be given to the receptionist on arrival (or phoned through to BBRO prior to parking). The car parks are monitored, and parking tickets will be issued if visitors are not parked in accordance to site rules, which are clearly sign posted around the parking area. There are electric car charging facilities and visitors can park in the bay for the duration of their vehicle charging, thereafter the vehicle must be moved to an appropriate parking space. Please contact reception if you require further details. Vehicles are left at the owners’ risk.

BBRO Plant Clinic

Easy access to support for all sugar beet growers

 Plant clinic samples can continue to be dropped off at the main entrance where a member of BBRO staff will collect them.  Please ensure you complete the required form (available via the Research page) with any samples submitted.


Keith Packer
Keith Packer
Managing Director, British Sugar plc
Daniel Green
Daniel Green
British Sugar Head of Agriculture>
Michael Sly
Michael Sly
NFU Sugar Board Chairman
Simon Smith
Simon Smith
NFU Sugar Board
Dr Jon Knight
Dr Jon Knight
Andrew Dear
Andrew Dear
British Sugar plc
Harry Mitchell
Harry Mitchell
British Sugar plc
Prof Jim Monaghan
Prof Jim Monaghan
Harper Adams University
Kit Papworth
Kit Papworth
David Jones
David Jones
James Beamish
James Beamish
Holkham Farming
Teresa Rush
Teresa Rush
Communication Specialist
Prof Mark Stevens
Prof Mark Stevens
Head of Science
07712 822194
Michelle McKnespiey
Michelle McKnespiey
Head of Finance & HR
07770 277900
Stephen Aldis
Stephen Aldis
Head of Field Operations
07867 141705
Francesca Broom
Francesca Broom
Knowledge Exchange Manager
07710 285689
Dr Alistair Wright
Dr Alistair Wright
Crop Protection Scientist
07920 792249
Dr Georgina Barratt
Dr Georgina Barratt
Applied Crop Scientist
Dr Kate Orman
Dr Kate Orman
Research Assistant
01603 672 174
Dr Suzannah Harder
Dr Suzannah Harder
Applied Crop Protection Scientist
Eleanor Towler
Eleanor Towler
Crop trials technician
07769 362 206
Sara Long
Sara Long
Administration Assistant
01603 672169
Gina Gould
Gina Gould
Trials Technical Manager
07850 369788
Richard Hastings
Richard Hastings
Field Trials Site Manager
07767 381874
Olly Hammond
Olly Hammond
Field Trials Site Manager
07920 750615
Josh McLeod
Josh McLeod
Field Trials Operator
07867 753 469

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BBRO is a not for profit making company.
We are set up jointly by British Sugar plc and the National Farmers' Union.

British Sugar
National Farmers' Union