Our News
Keep up to date with BBRO activities and your opportunities to find out more with our news, events, developments and other information.
Rotational requirements where Cruiser SB has been grown
In February 2022 Defra issued Emergency Authorisation for the use of Cruiser SB, this EA requires growers to follow strict rotational requirements.
Nature based solutions for aphid control
BBRO is thinking ABCD for integrated aphid management
Securing BBRO's future
Continued delivery of value and excellence in sugar beet research to growers and the UK sugar industry
Morley Foundation Open Day
BBRO are pleased to join The Morley Agricultural Foundation for their open day on the 16th June 2022. Booking details attached.
BBRO's Annual Report
Released May 2022
Grower Science
Support BBRO by testing a theory re the potential impact of undersown cropping.