BBRO are pleased to support this venture, and will be hosting the participants in January for an insight into the work of the BBRO. As part of the event we will be asking these future leaders of the sugar beet industry to express their hopes and aspirations for the crop, helping us to align our work with industry needs. We look forward to meeting the participants and will welcome their input.
The programme for 2017/2018 is as follows:
16 November Open event and media training (overnight stay). Knights Hill, Kings Lynn.
17 November Germains Visit
30 November British Sugar factory tour (Wissington)
10 January BBRO, Norwich.
23/24 January Westminster- Parliamentary Reception, MP meetings and visit to NFU London office (overnight stay).
6/7 February Visit to SESVanderHave in Belgium- overnight stay
21/22 February NFU Conference (overnight stay). ICC Birmingham.
7 March Presentation training and closing event (overnight stay)- NFU Headquarters Stoneleigh.
For more details on the course and how to apply please contact: NFU Sugar - SIP