RL 2020 calculated with 2017, 2018 and 2019 trials data
The sugar beet recommended list board have produced an updated version of the 2020 RL table. This allows growers to see how the varieties they are sowing in 2020 compare when using the latest data. Growers chose their varieties for sowing in 2020 from the official 2020 RL released in May 2019. It is necessary to produce the RL table well in advance so that seed can be ordered, pelleted, treated and delivered in time for the sowing season. This means that the 2020 RL was produced using results from trials sown and harvested in 2016, 2017 and 2018. However, it also means that at the time the seed is being sown, yields from the most recent year’s trials (2019) are available, along with other data such as bolting disease, establishment etc. This latest table (RL UPDATE) provides growers with the updated data for their selected varieties.
The BBRO and the RL would welcome feedback on the usefulness or otherwise of the updated table.