Our Opinions

BBRO are keen to support growers in investigating innovative ideas or changes in practices. Not all ideas require or warrant full trials. 'Our Opinions' provides an overview of our thoughts and findings from across the growing region, and are not based on robust trial data. Occasionally the results reported here will be investigated further and full trials will be pursued.

The Good, Bad and Ugly (May 2021)

In May 2020 we released an article on beneficials that has been well received by many. For ease of access we have created a direct link for you here.

Control the green bridge (June 2020)

Whilst the BBRO look for solutions to combat virus yellows, this article provides some useful advice for protecting future crops from the virus and other pests ...

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BBRO is a not for profit making company.
We are set up jointly by British Sugar plc and the National Farmers' Union.

British Sugar
National Farmers' Union