Advisory Bulletin Regular updates throughout the growing season. Providing forecasts and info to support in field decision making. <1…456789> 2017 Advisory Bulletin No 2 Soil conditions improving. Check temperatures and moisture at depth prior to drilling. 2017 Advisory Bulletin No 1 Seed beds should now be prepared - new season looming. 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 18 All you need to know re harvest and storage. 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 17 A few cases of root rot being reported. Check what's happening beneath the surface and plan your lifting campaign accordingly. 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 16 Good news as little sign of foliar disease in crops as yet but please remain vigilant as once infection occurs it can spread quickly. 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 15 Moisture stress beginning to show on some sugar beet fields. Irrigation advised for those with access to water. 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 14 Low soil pH being detected in the BBRO plant clinic. 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 12 The crop is beginning to catch up, thanks to the warm weather but clear signs of soil 'slumping' can be viewed on the fields still struggling. 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 11 June rainfall is being reported as one of the highest for many years (some beet growers have experienced six months of rain within 30 days). 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 10 Breaking news! Approval received for use of Biscaya. 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 9 BBRO has submitted and EAMU request for use of Biscaya for leaf miner control as the pressure from the pest continues to grow. First silver Y moth found and ... 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 8 Leaf miner raising concerns across the area. Special update. 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 7 Aphid survey is underway with peach-potato aphids being caught in yellow water pans across all factory areas. 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 6 Many crops have had a second dose of nitrogen already but if you are still intending to apply make sure it is done before full emergence. 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 5 Some reports of pest damage. Crops need careful monitoring until the plants are more established. 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 4 Latest drilling update and 2016 powdery mildew forecast. 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 3 60% of the crop now planted but the weather is still hampering the start to the season. 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 2 Drilling is finally underway with most growers off to a late start. Whilst we prepare for this year's crop we are mindful of the neonicotinoid debate in Fran... 2016 Advisory Bulletin No 1 A mild start to the year, brings with it concern for virus yellows and other pests/diseases. Make sure you follow good on farm hygiene protocols. <1…456789>
2017 Advisory Bulletin No 2 Soil conditions improving. Check temperatures and moisture at depth prior to drilling.
2016 Advisory Bulletin No 17 A few cases of root rot being reported. Check what's happening beneath the surface and plan your lifting campaign accordingly.
2016 Advisory Bulletin No 16 Good news as little sign of foliar disease in crops as yet but please remain vigilant as once infection occurs it can spread quickly.
2016 Advisory Bulletin No 15 Moisture stress beginning to show on some sugar beet fields. Irrigation advised for those with access to water.
2016 Advisory Bulletin No 12 The crop is beginning to catch up, thanks to the warm weather but clear signs of soil 'slumping' can be viewed on the fields still struggling.
2016 Advisory Bulletin No 11 June rainfall is being reported as one of the highest for many years (some beet growers have experienced six months of rain within 30 days).
2016 Advisory Bulletin No 9 BBRO has submitted and EAMU request for use of Biscaya for leaf miner control as the pressure from the pest continues to grow. First silver Y moth found and ...
2016 Advisory Bulletin No 7 Aphid survey is underway with peach-potato aphids being caught in yellow water pans across all factory areas.
2016 Advisory Bulletin No 6 Many crops have had a second dose of nitrogen already but if you are still intending to apply make sure it is done before full emergence.
2016 Advisory Bulletin No 5 Some reports of pest damage. Crops need careful monitoring until the plants are more established.
2016 Advisory Bulletin No 3 60% of the crop now planted but the weather is still hampering the start to the season.
2016 Advisory Bulletin No 2 Drilling is finally underway with most growers off to a late start. Whilst we prepare for this year's crop we are mindful of the neonicotinoid debate in Fran...
2016 Advisory Bulletin No 1 A mild start to the year, brings with it concern for virus yellows and other pests/diseases. Make sure you follow good on farm hygiene protocols.