Our News

Keep up to date with BBRO activities and your opportunities to find out more with our news, events, developments and other information.

The Greatest Online Ag Show

BBRO is proud to support the Greatest Online Ag Show held on the 2nd May 2020. This great idea raised over £12,000 for agricultural charities.

What's in your sugar beet crop?

Lots of growers and agronomists are making contact re insects found in their beet crops. Send in your photos for us to identify and add to our predators and pe...

BBRO and Covid -19

We want to provide an explanation of how BBRO has been affected by COVID-19 and to reassure you that we are doing everything we can to ensure the research and a...

2021 RL tables released

Seven new varieties added to the 2021 sugar beet list (https://bbro.co.uk/sugar-beet-varieties/recommended-list/)

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BBRO is a not for profit making company.
We are set up jointly by British Sugar plc and the National Farmers' Union.

British Sugar
National Farmers' Union