Beet Review

Topical magazine providing insight into industry challenges, changes and new technology.

Founded in 1926, British Sugar Beet Review is the UK’s premier sugar beet publication produced for the UK Beet Sugar industry’s growers and advisers.

Access a vast range of technical information derived from the British Beet Research Organisation and British Sugar, as well as news and updates from people in the UK sugar beet industry.

May 2024

New easy access to the BBRO Plant Clinic for growers, plus a tribute to Dr Simon Bowen.

January 2024

A look at new genetics and old/new practices in the form of regenerative farming.

September 2023

Crop monitoring is an important element of research. Not only are BBRO evaluating the current crop we are also monitoring to help in decision making before issues arise.

May 2023

Update on the 2024 Recommended List and things to watch out for in your crop this season.

January 2023

January's issue looks at the Beet moth and how something so small can wreak havoc in a sugar beet field.

September 2022

A global view of some of the challenges in sugar beet research, plus a look at things closer at home in regards to nitrogen rates in light of current prices.

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BBRO is a not for profit making company.
We are set up jointly by British Sugar plc and the National Farmers' Union.

British Sugar
National Farmers' Union