Beet Review

Topical magazine providing insight into industry challenges, changes and new technology.

Founded in 1926, British Sugar Beet Review is the UK’s premier sugar beet publication produced for the UK Beet Sugar industry’s growers and advisers.

Access a vast range of technical information derived from the British Beet Research Organisation and British Sugar, as well as news and updates from people in the UK sugar beet industry.

Summer 2016

Since the formation of Action on Sugar, a number of high profile media reports have pressurised the government to take action on obesity through the use of a tax on the s...

Spring 2016

At first glance not many would associate a muddy clamp of beet with the pristine pharmaceutical industry. However, many household soaps in fact contain Betaine; a compoun...

Winter 2015

Due to their sessile nature, plants are often helpless against the tide of pathogens and herbivores. Consequently, it is estimates that 20-40% of annual crop losses are a...

Autumn 2015

The Sugar Industry Programme (SIP) is a gem of an opportunity for newer members of the UK sugar industry. It is jointly funded by the NFU and British Sugar, and has recen...

Summer 2015

The Recommended List (RL) trials are consistently producing higher yields than average commercial crops, so what is the difference between the way the RL trials are grown...

Spring 2015

In this edition several of the current hot topics have been covered for example, nitrogen nutrition.

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BBRO is a not for profit making company.
We are set up jointly by British Sugar plc and the National Farmers' Union.

British Sugar
National Farmers' Union