Beet Review

Topical magazine providing insight into industry challenges, changes and new technology.

Founded in 1926, British Sugar Beet Review is the UK’s premier sugar beet publication produced for the UK Beet Sugar industry’s growers and advisers.

Access a vast range of technical information derived from the British Beet Research Organisation and British Sugar, as well as news and updates from people in the UK sugar beet industry.

Summer 2013

What’s the sustainability of the sugar beet crop? Take a look inside at the account from Wayne Marindale and Dr Mark Stevens advice on how to maximise the value of fungi...

Spring 2013

You can find inside all the regular news and a summary from Colin MacEwan of the BBRO conference along with changes debated for the EU Sugar Regime.

Winter 2012

In this edition we look at BBROs Plant Clinic and what happened in 2012 and a lookback in its centenary year to the start of sugar beet growing.

Autumn 2012

Inside this issue we discuss bench-marking and forecasting the beet crop and the importance of correct crowning for maximum yield

Summer 2012

Dr Mark Stevens and Ed Burks review the results of fungicide trials, and Rothamstead gives us an insight how the peach-potato aphid has evolved to resist chemical control...

Spring 2012

What does climate change mean for our future pest and disease control strategies? Read Jon West and Dr Mark Stevens report inside, and there's a roundup of recent confere...

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BBRO is a not for profit making company.
We are set up jointly by British Sugar plc and the National Farmers' Union.

British Sugar
National Farmers' Union