Beet Review

Topical magazine providing insight into industry challenges, changes and new technology.

Founded in 1926, British Sugar Beet Review is the UK’s premier sugar beet publication produced for the UK Beet Sugar industry’s growers and advisers.

Access a vast range of technical information derived from the British Beet Research Organisation and British Sugar, as well as news and updates from people in the UK sugar beet industry.

Summer 2010

In this issue Gina Gould writes about her placement year at British Sugar and there’s also an article about the 10 years of the British Beet Research Organisation.

Spring 2010

Read the report from BBROs recent conference inside which proved a great success, and have you thought about Nutrient management? Take a read of Ben Coates from NFU artic...

Winter 2009

There’s an interesting read inside about Holmewood Hall and its roll before British Sugars purchase in 1951 and Arun Naik tells us about the use of composted municipal wa...

Autumn 2009

Dr Philip Draycott brings us his latest instalment in his series on soil types and we also feature articles on soil testing as well as Beet Cyst Nematode testing.

Summer 2009

Mike May and Dr Mark Stevens outline this year’s robust fungicide strategy inside this review along with NFU’s Helen Ferrier’s article on “Why science matters for farming...

Spring 2009

Inside this issue there’s an article examining the factors which made the 2008 crop so good with the weather having had a significant influence.

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BBRO is a not for profit making company.
We are set up jointly by British Sugar plc and the National Farmers' Union.

British Sugar
National Farmers' Union