Beet Review

Topical magazine providing insight into industry challenges, changes and new technology.

Founded in 1926, British Sugar Beet Review is the UK’s premier sugar beet publication produced for the UK Beet Sugar industry’s growers and advisers.

Access a vast range of technical information derived from the British Beet Research Organisation and British Sugar, as well as news and updates from people in the UK sugar beet industry.

Summer 2007

Dr Mark Stevens, Mike May and Dr Mike Asher discuss the best disease control options for 2007 in this issue, and are you compliant with your pesticide labels?

Spring 2007

In this review we find out more about the changing threat posed by insecticide resistance, Mike May writes about the latest thinking for this season’s weed control and a ...

Winter 2006

Dr Julian Cooper presents balanced facts about sugar in relation to health and wellbeing in this issue and Jerry McHoul considers the role of Magnesium in sugar beet nutr...

Autumn 2006

In this issue Patrick Jarvis and George Milford take a closer look at Amino-nitrogen on the quality of beet and Colin Walters gives an insight into the latest technology ...

Winter 2005

Details inside regarding the revised Sugar Beet Portal, how to use it and what information can be found and we take a look at the current position on Rhizomania.

Autumn 2005

Inside this issue we have the IIRB Congress Report and explore what the growers have to say on how to get a high yield.

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BBRO is a not for profit making company.
We are set up jointly by British Sugar plc and the National Farmers' Union.

British Sugar
National Farmers' Union